Chalitha handapangoda, bs | Program administrator

Chalitha is a highly motivated first-generation Sri Lankan-American immigrant with a passion for technology and helping others. With several years of experience in managing projects and supporting teams, he has a proven track record of successfully assisting with planning, execution, and closure of various projects.

Chalitha received his first bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Sunderland, England. He then went on to receive a scholarship and completed his second bachelor's degree in Cybersecurity from the University of Gloucestershire, England.

Chalitha has always been interested in making a difference in the community and helping others achieve their goals. In 2022, he provided tech support to over 100 families in Hyde Park and Kenwood, demonstrating his commitment to community service.

In his role as the Program Administrator, Chalitha provides administrative and technical support to the Center's teams. He ensures the efficient daily operation of the Center and troubleshoots any operational issues as and when they arise, making him a vital member of the team.

Outside of work, Chalitha enjoys creating content and traveling the world. He is a team player and your go-to tech guy who is always ready to help in any way possible.